At the old Jewish cemetery
Me in Sarajevo
With Vesna's parents touring around
Grbavica (around Vesna's parents'
Sarajevo airport
Lunch with the Pajic family, including
a look at the neighborhood and their rebuilt apartment
At radioclub T91ENS
Visiting with the Toukaleks
More Sarajevo scenes
Visiting at the Lizdes: Viki's
mother and sister, Danny's mother, and of course Oska
Still more Sarajevo scenes
Evening with Paja & Ina
Touring Svrzo's House, part of
the Sarajevo city museum, with Vesna's mother
Samir's friend Nino from work
visits us
Yet more Sarajevo scenes
Coffee with some of our T9 ham friends
At the Amateur Radio Association of
Bosnia & Hercegovina
More coffee with friends: Boris,
Edin, Almira, Igor
Lunch in town with friends
Dinner with Vesna's parents, our
last night in Sarajevo
Edin T97M (rare photo of Edin
drinking not coffee, but tea :-) )
Farewell lunch kod Pajica
A few photos from our overnight in